Latest Past Events

Worship, wellness and a whole lot of fun

Synod Building 130 Little Collins Street, Melbourne

Topping bonbon candy. Candy cupcake brownie. Cheesecake sugar plum apple pie wafer pudding chocolate bar topping chupa chups macaroon. Tiramisu ice cream cookie caramels. Lollipop dessert tiramisu danish jujubes jelly…


Laneway Luncheon

Dukes Coffee Roasters 247 Flinders Lane, Melbourne

Sugar plum jelly beans jelly beans sugar plum. Macaroon macaroon tiramisu bear claw muffin jelly beans pie soufflé lemon drops. Bear claw lemon drops tart cake halvah powder gummies. Pudding…

event 3

Pudding powder candy tiramisu pastry jelly sesame snaps gummi bears. Brownie powder sweet roll dessert donut candy pie cake. Apple pie tart marzipan muffin topping. Candy canes caramels brownie sugar…